Dancer - Artist - Poet
Dance / Butoh / Video / Installation / Poetry / Permaculture
Yangjah is an artist, a Korean diaspora born in Japan and based in Jeju, Korea and Osaka, Japan.
Her works range from dance performance, poetry, video and permaculture.
She mainly performs improvisation based on Butoh and Asian body works.
She searches for her own expression of body while working on improvised collaborations with a variety of artists in many kinds of spaces—inside/outside spaces.
She seeks to circulate moments which can become fulfilled through an empty body produced in time and space as a ritual.
She started her video installation+performance project “Umimiz” since 2009,
a video sketch project “bodyscapesketch project” since 2011.
And also a permaculture art project “ SaNa-Sup” on Jeju island, Korea since 2016.
She participated in various festivals and residency programs, such as
Cleaning Artists Project, Osaka Arts-Aporia, Japan, 2004
Art Container, Osaka Arts-Aporia, Japan, 2005,
Chuncheon International Mime Festival, Korea, 2006,
Osaka Art Kaleidoscope, Shibakawa building, Osaka, Japan, 2007,
Asia Culture artist residency program, Memi space, Gwangju, Korea, 2010,
Asia Young Artist Festival, Ugro/Mite, Kunsthalle Gwangju, Lotte gallery Gwangju, Korea, 2011
A as A Project 2012 in Guangzhou, 53 art museum, China, 2012
Flower village International Performance art Residence, Busan, 2012,
The 23th Asian Monodrama Festival, Geochang, Korea, 2012,
Overdecoration, Shindorim Art space GORI, Seoul, Korea, 2012
Mulle International Art Festival, Seoul, Korea, 2012,
Artists-in-residence- Experimental Media and Performance, Bikalpa Art Center, Nepal, 2013,
10th International Open Arts Festival,Busan, 2014,
The Question of Butoh in Kyoto, Japan, 2015,
Pilot Program Ground And Road, Jeju, Korea, 2016,
Theater der Welt Hamburg 2017, Hamburg, Germany, 2017,
Asia Focus, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea in 2017.
Solo Performances
2012 nowHERE, Mulle International Art Festival, Mulle Art Center, Korea
2012 UMIMIZ BRANCHES, The 23th Asian Monodrama festival, Korea
2010 UMIMIZ NO-W-HERE, Baikado, Japan
2009 CHILD OF SUN, CHILD OF MOON, Time of Dance, Loxodonta, Japan
2007 SPRING BRIDGE, ArtsLaunch, Tashiro Kaplan Artists Lofts, U.S.A.
2006 EMPTY MANDALAS, Atelier 2001, Japan
2006 THE TASTE OF TIDES, Chuncheon International Mime Festival, Korea
2005 THE TASTE OF TIDES, Osaka Harbor Red Brick Warehouse, Japan
2005 SPRING SHELLS, Osaka Harbor Red Brick Warehouse, Japan
2004 OUT OF MY SKIN, Osaka Harbor Red Brick Warehouse, Japan
2000 FAR EAST SPRING EMPTY BODY, Dance Circus Project, TORII HALL, Japan
Ensemble Performances
Performance projects choreographed /directed by:
2017 Royce Ng, GHOST OF SHOWA, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
2017 Royce Ng, GHOST OF SHOWA, Theater der Welt Hamburg 2017, Germany
2017 Chikako Bando+ Meeko Koike + Miyuki Kido + Kumiko Yabu +Yangjah, MY MIND INSIDE FOREST, Urbanguild, Japan
2013 Keiko Yamaguchi, WATER PAINTING, Kotohogi Wakaura art project, Wakanoura Art Cube, Japan
2010 Margasari & Tanpopo no ie , ENCROATING GAMELAN, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan
2005 Toshiko OKA, PASSAGE, Kobe Art Village Center, Japan
2000 Kuritaro+Kobutai Arutai, THE HOUSE OF FURINERAOLEO, TORII HALL, Japan
2000 A tenko + Kiraza, JA MON MONMONMON, Miidera Temple, Japan
Performance Collaborations
More than 325 collaborated performances with various artists based on such as sound art, contemporary art, video art, textile art etc in Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara, Shiga, Setouchi,Yokohama, Tokyo(Japan), Gwangju, Busan, Gochaeng, Seoul, Jeju, Daejoen, Cheongju(Korea), Kathmandu(Nepal), Guangzhou, Shanghai(China), Seattle(U.S.) , Hamburg, Kassel(Germany) since 2000. (2018/06/07)
more details of collaborated performances and works 2016-2020, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012-2010, 2009-2000
Solo exhibitions
2010 UMIMIZ NO-W-HERE(video installation, performance), Baikado, Japan
2010 UMIMIZ YOH SUI MON (video installation), FLOAT, Japan
2006 EMPTY MANDALAS, Atelier 2001, Japan
2001 SPRING EMPTY LETTERS, Nishijin Hon’yarado, Japan
Selected group exhibitions
2015 FROM ISLAND, BACK TO ISLAND(poetry), Art Space Passage, Kyoto city museum, Japan
2014 WALKING TO LIGHT(poetry), Art Space Passage, Kyoto city museum, Japan
2014 EMPTY SPACE(performance video), Artists-in-residence- Experimental Media and Performance, Bikalpa Art Center, Nepal
2013 KASUGADE-CHO(performance video), Watashi-no-machiomoi-cho, Mebic Ohgimachi, Japan
2012 BETWEEN, BODYSCAPESKETCH PROJECT(performance video), A as A Project 2012 in Guangzhou, 53 museum, China
2012 BODYSCAPESKETCH PROJECT(performance video), Spring- Daily Life, Baikado, Japan
2011 BODYSCAPESKETCH PROJECT(performance video), Lotte gallery Gwangju, Korea
2011 EMPTY/FULL(performance video), Asian Culture Co, Kunsthalle Gwangju, Korea
2010 UMIMIZ LIGHT PLACE(video installation), Guin exhibition, Asia Culture artist residency program, Memi space, Gwangju, Korea
2008 DREAMING MOON (Performance Video), Dojyunkai Memory Apartment vol.6, Shibakawa Building, Japan
2008 CONCRETE CANYON (Performance Video), Onsa exhibition, beyer, Japan
2007 ALIEN STRINGS (video installation), Charles-Eric Billard (video),Osaka Art Kaleidoscope 2007,Shibakawa building, Japan
2006 KOLLA KOLLA, Piano Piano exhibition,Osaka Harbor Red Brick Warehouse, Japan
2005 THE TASTE OF TIDE, Progress in ART Contatiner, Osaka Harbor Red Brick Warehouse, Japan
2005 SPRING SHELLS, Cleaning Artists Project,Osaka Harbor Red Brick Warehouse, Japan
2004 TEMPERATURE IN BALANCE (installation), WEED (photography),Cleaning Artists Project, Osaka Harbor Red Brick Warehouse, Japan
2017 Asia Focus, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
2017 Theater der Welt Hamburg 2017, Hamburg, Germany
2016 Pilot Program Ground And Road, Jeju, Korea
2015 Artists in Residence in Asahi art Festival 2015, Yama Yama art center, Kyoto
2014 10th International Open Arts Festival, Busan, Korea
2013 Artists-in-residence- Experimental Media and Performance, Bikalpa Art Center, Nepal
2012 Mulle International Art Festival, Mulle Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2012 Overdecoration, Shindorim Art space GORI, Seoul, Korea
2012 The 23th Asian Monodrama festival, Gochaeng, Korea
2012 Flower Village International Performance Art Residence, ARTin NATURE, Busan, Korea
2012 A as A Project 2012 in Guangzhou, 53 Museum, Guangzhou, China
2011 Asia Young Artist Festival@Ugro/Mite, Gwangju, Korea
2010 Asia Culture artist residency program, MeMiSpAcE, Gwangju, Korea
2007 Osaka Art Kaleidoscope, Osaka contemporary art center, Japan
2005 The 5th Korean Cultural Community Convention, Overseas Korean Foundation,Department of Cultural Affairs, Korea
2016- SaNa-Sup, permaculture art project, Jeju island, Korea
2014 Body Space, Improvised performance events
2011-2014 Miniatures, Improvised performance events, Jerry Gordon + Yangjah, MIIT House, Japan
2010 —Side—,Improvised performance events, Jerry Gordon +Yangjah, Japan
2008 Sanzui, Art event based on Performances, Hiromi SHIRAI + Yangjah, FLOAT, Japan
2017 Into Interdependency, improvised movement workshop, KMMN, Kassel, Germany
2017 SaNa-Sup Start Small Series 01, Creating A Garden: Patterns-Movements-Designs, permaculture workshop, SaNa-Sup, Korea
2015 Sound, Color and Body -Customers from an island-, workshop and lecture, Yama Yama art center, Japan
2015 World tour for families, workshop and lecture, Ikeda city general health & walfare centre, Japan
2014 Glance for multicultural symbiosis, The 4th International round table meeting and workshops, Osaka International House, Japan
2012 Irregular Moon, performance and lecture, CAP CLUB Q2, Japan
2012 ZeroDecoration, Body+Sound workshop with Jerry Gordon, Shindorim Art space GORI, Korea
2012 Body+Sound workshop and lecture with Jerry Gordon, 53 museum, China
2010 Body+Sound workshop, Fukuno primary school, Japan
2009- Chiku Chiku Jiku, sewing workshops, Yangjah's studio, Japan
2008 Experimental media class, lecture and workshop, Seian University of Art and Design, Japan
2017- SaNa-Sup, permaculture art project, Jeju island, Korea
2014- From island, Back to island, art ant life documentation project
2014 Body Space, Improvised performance events
2011- bodyscapesketch project, performance video
2009- Umimiz, Video Installation + Performance
2005 ART Container, NPO OSAKA ARTS-APORIA, Japan
2015 ISLAND OF GODS, performance, KBS Jeju
2010 ON THE TABLE, Peformance Art Book, Norio IMAI, Yangjah, Keizo OBASHI
2004 OKAY BOOK VOLUME 4, Artist Biography & Photo Documentation,
Editor Mihee-Nathalie Lemoine, Seoul, South Korea
Butoh Performance Studies / Contemporary Dance Workshops with masters & teachers :
Akiko MOTOFUJI, Kazuo OHNO, Yoshito OHNO, Akira KASAI, Masaki IWANA, Tenko IMA, Kuritaro, Atsushi TAKENOUCHI, Toshiko OKA, etc.
2017 Acupuncture for self caring, Korea
2016 Permaculture Design Course, Korea
2014 Haenyo traditional skin diving school, Jeju island, Korea
2009-2010 Vipassana Meditation, at Japan Vippasana Meditation Center, Japan
2008-2009 Tea ceremony, Urasenke, with Kohsho Hishida, Japan
2008 Physical Dialogue, with Daniel Lepkoff, Japan
2007 Bāguázhǎn, Mei-hui Lu, Seattle, the U.S.A.
2004-2005 100 hours Butoh Workshops, Akira KASAI, Japan
2004 Hawaiian traditional dance, with Shinobu Kaleikaumaka YAMAMOTO, Japan
2004 Balinese traditional dance, with Ni Ketut Sukaartni, Indonesia
2003-2008 Alexander Technique, with Yuzuru KATAGIRI, Japan
2003 Alexander Technique, with Lucia Walker, Japan
2003 Korean traditional dance, with Podulfe, Japan
2002 Minyo (Korean traditional songs), at International school of Kugak, Korea
2000 Vipassana Meditation, at Wat Ram Poeng & Wat Sankhu, Thailand
2000 International Butoh Dance Workshops, Masaki IWANA, France
1995-1997 Changgu Korean drum, with Podulfe, Japan
1995 Thai massage, with Asokananda (Harald Brust), Thailand
1995 Yoga, at Shivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram, India
1994 Tai-chi chuan, with Michael Wilson. Thailand
1997 BA in Language and Area Studies-Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Osaka, Japan